رکوب الجمال فی قشم

کولودانج، الشرکه الرائده فی مجال السیاحه فی جزیره قشم، تستضیف بفخر أول مرکز لرکوب الجمال فی الجزیره. تقدم جولاتنا المتعدده الأیام والتجارب الیومیه فرصه للانغماس فی فن رکوب الجمال التقلیدی أثناء زیارتک للجزیره بطریقه فریده.

سواء کنت راکبًا متمرسًا أو مبتدئًا، ستستمتع باکتشاف المناظر الطبیعیه الخلابه فی قشم وأنت على ظهور هذه المخلوقات الرائعه. یضم فریقنا من الراکبین المحلیین ذوی الخبره، بتوجیه من الفائز بالسباقات الوطنیه، مغامره لا تُنسى فی رکوب الجمال

احجز رحلتک الآن

استکشاف جزیره قشم مع الجمال

جولات جماعیه من 4 إلى 8 أشخاص

برامج مدتها من 1 إلى 6 أیام

للمبتدئین والراکبین المتمرسین

تجربه فریده مع الحیوانات والطبیعه

جولات رکوب الجمال لدینا

صُممت جولات رکوب الجمال لدینا بعنایه لتعلیم تقنیات الرکوب تدریجیًا والتعرف على جوادک. بالإضافه إلى السرج، تشمل جولاتنا استکشاف المعالم الشهیره فی جزیره قشم وتقدیم تجارب لا تُنسى مثل التخییم والموسیقى الحیه ومشاهده النجوم.

سواء کنت مجموعه صغیره من المسافرین أو وکاله سیاحیه محلیه، اتصل بنا لمزید من التفاصیل حول برامج رکوب الجمال لدینا.

Qeshm from the Bottom to the Top

This 3-days riding program combines desert plains, seashores, Chahkooh Canyon and the mangrove forests at an easy pace.

After breakfast at Coludang, you will meet your camel and receive a few instructions before the ride. Your group will then leave the village toward the south coast. You will ride through desert plains with singular rocks sculpted by the erosion, typical from Qeshm Island. For lunch, you will stop in a palm garden before riding again on the scenic path that finally leads to the sea. A camp will be set for the night on the beach where fresh fish will be cooked on fire for dinner.

Waking up early, you will have breakfast on the beach and then leave toward the other side of the island. To reach the protected area of the Mangrove Forest, you will cross the inner lands. In the evening, you will set up camp and have dinner near the Mangrove Forest. Before resting for the next day, you will also enjoy live traditional music at the camp.

After breakfast, you will head toward Chahkooh Canyon, one of Qeshm’s most iconic geosites. After lunch at the site, you will continue west, toward the extreme end of the island and reach the mountains of Goori. Far from light pollution and noise, it’s where you will spend your last camping night, under a sky full of stars.

After breakfast, the guests will return to Coludang by car (50 min) and then continue they journey in Qeshm or in the mainland of Iran.

Geosites and Camel Race

A 3-days program with a more intense riding schedule (6 to 8h daily) including Namakdan Salt Cave and a thrilling camel race.

After early breakfast at Coludang, you will meet your camel and receive a few instructions before riding. Your group will then leave the village and ride through desert plains and rock formations, spattered with palm trees gardens. You will stop in one of them to have lunch. Continuing your ride, you will pass along the Valley of Statues (UNESCO) and head toward the Protected Mangrove Forest where you will set camp for the night. You will enjoy local food and live local music at the camp for your first night outside.

Waking up early, you will leave the northern part of the island to head south, riding through the rocky mountains. For lunch, they will reach the port village of Gamberon, on the south coast. Then, you will move toward the west to approach the Salt Cave. You will stop before reaching it, and set camp for the night on the beach.

After breakfast at the beach, you will visit the Namakdan Salt Cave, the world’s longest Salt Cave and one of Qeshm’s most important Geosites. There are a few hours of ride waiting before lunch, through one of the most remote areas of the island. Reaching the surroundings of Goori, you will stop for lunch. Then, you will continue toward another emblematic UNESCO Geosite: Chahkooh Canyon. The camp will be set near the canyon, where you will spend their last night outdoor under a sky full of stars.

Waking up with the sound of the birds, you will return to Coludang by car (25 min) after breakfast. Before lunch time you will attend a camel race where your own mount will participate and see how fast your “Jazirati” camel can race! After the race, you will enjoy one last generous local meal at Coludang before continuing your journey in Qeshm or in Iran’s mainland.

Day Tour Camel Riding Initiation

A short daily tour to experience camel riding in the breathtaking landscapes of Qeshm Island Geopark.

After breakfast at Coludang, you will meet your camels and receive a few instructions before the ride. You will then leave the village toward the south coast and ride through desert plains with singular rocks sculpted by the erosion, typical from Qeshm Island. A traditional lunch will be served at the heart of a palm garden before riding again on the scenic path that finally leads to the sea. After enjoying the sunset on the beach, you will return to Coludang by car.

ما یتضمنه الجولات

الجمال ومربوهم، بما فی ذلک جمیع الرسوم ذات الصله
الإقامه فی الخیام
• جمیع وجبات الإفطار والغداء والعشاء
مرشد یتحدث اللغتین الفارسیه والإنجلیزیه
سیاره مساعده
مولد کهربائی و دش محمول
• رسوم الدخول إلى المواقع الجیولوجیه التاریخیه التی تمت زیارتها
• تجارب رکوب الجمال فی جزیره قشم

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